
TheRugDistrict.ca brings you an amazing collection of modern, high quality mirrors for residential and commercial use from top mirror brands across the globe, most notably, in North America. We are fully committed to delivering superior mirrors under one single roof.

As you may have already noted by now, these mirrors have been carefully selected keeping three things in mind:

Exceptional design and reliable build and quality.
Extraordinary beauty.
Unsurpassed quality of this exclusive range.


All available on TheRugDistrict.ca site and are guaranteed to transform any room or home decor into a one of a kind masterpiece. From antique full-length mirrors to contemporary lighted mirrors for bathrooms, our scintillating collection has it all. These mirrors will capture your most cherished memories and make them a part of your living space.

Browse through all of our mirrors from the collection above, directly from our website.

TheRugDistrict.ca provides a wide range of discounts and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else on the web! And if these two were not enough, we also offer a price match guarantee on the entire collection on our website. Start shopping right away!